Friday, May 11, 2012


Cherry was the color, the choice palate of flavor, the shade on the lips, the style on curvaceous hips and had the men in all sizes and shapes blushing, panting and chasing at last night’s Grey Goose Cherry Noir, at the W hotel in Buckhead, hosted by Atlanta’s own, the beautiful Mrs. Monica Brown.  She was gracious and elegant in her off white suite.  I had to tell her that she “wears happiness very well.”
Her husband, Phoenix Sun NBA player, Shannon Brown surprised us all with his charm and down to earth demeanor.  They are truly in love and Monica admitted that he was a huge inspiration behind her hit new album, New Life, which lyrically speaks of unconditional love soothing and healing those searching, having and finding new love in their lives.

The exquisite Demetria McKinney, who stole my RED DRESS (kidding), started several fires last night, blazing in a red slim fitting dress and nude hills.  She is currently promoting her new music and a video is in the works, so everyone be on the lookout because she is bringing the heat that will last past this summer!
Speaking of summer heat, I finally got to meet the infamous mega hot producer, Bangladesh!  His beats are behind today’s Hip Hop Kings, Cash Money, Busta and he is grinding for a slew of hot artists.  He is about to start several tornadoes of his own with his new single dropping soon, “the Opera.” I admit, my face was scrunched and eyebrows were frowning, what is behind this “Opera?” Bangladesh took me to class for a few minutes and explained the single has a “Phantom of the Opera” theme to it, its dark, mysterious and moody.  I quietly and discreetly shake with anticipation.  He’s like a Batman with a darker Darkside…Me likey!

Grammy nominated artist, L2, smoothed it out for me. He is, dare I say, penetrating with a mellow groove, made me slip into a brief, sweet distraction to a candlelight, African oiled bathtub with a glass of Merlot and I don’t even drink! What a Man, what a man, what a Mighty good Man!  He patiently explained that his sound is, Smokey Robinson meets John Mayer. Okay my ears are all yours baby! So, then he threw me a curve with a new movie he is starring in called, Aliens in the Basement, produced by someone in the Avatar film production. Well bring it, because the last decent horror movie that gave me nightmares was Aliens!
Lots more celebs like cutie Toya Carter, comedian Rodney Perry, Atlanta Housewives Manly husband, Peter Thomas grazed through the scene.  Ladies, I admit, not too many eye candy deliciousness was on the scene, as usual (folding arms and pouting), but for the fellas, buffets and smorgesborges!
These stilettos are urking me, I mean why can’t they put cushions in these 4 inch plus foot couture? Cherry is right, the color of every toe as I limp to my car!
Wink (blows a kiss)

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